Metal Name Badges
Available in Bright Gold or Silver Finish with Safety Pin or Clutch Pin fasteners.
9/16″ x 2-7/16″
11/16″ x 2-11/16″
Self-Adhesive Inserts in Satin or Bright Brass or Nickel Silver are available.
Due to frequent price changes ( weekly at times )
we are unable to give up-to-date prices on these items.
Please call 626-333-2450 for current prices
$50 minimum order
We will update the prices on this page when prices stabilize.
Overall Size 9/16″ x 2-7/16″ with engraveable Insert Size 3/8″ x 2-1/4″
.050″ Gold Satin or Bright,
Nickel Silver Satin or Bright